Sandy Robson

Sandy Robson

Sandy started paddling in the 90s and studied kayaking and canoeing as part of her outdoor education degree in Bendigo. This led to her passion of sea kayaking and contribution as a sea leader and instructor to the Sea Kayak Club of WA. Her adventurous spirit and love of the outdoors has allowed her to achieve some incredible personal goals.

Significant achievements
  • In 2007, Sandy paddled 6500km of the Australian coastline as part of her SLAP expedition (Sandy’s Long Australian Paddle).
  • Sandy retraced the expedition of Oskar Speck from 2011-2016, travelling 23,000km from Germany to Australia by kayak.
  • Sandy holds numerous Guinness World Records for her expeditions and is the recipient of many awards, including the 2017 Australian Geographic Adventurer of the Year.
Paddle WA

Congratulations on an amazing achievement Sandy!

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