2025 Canoe Marathon Champs Logo Final

Ascot Kayak Club, Fauntleroy Avenue, Ascot, Western Australia

10 – 13 April 2025

Paddle Aus Logo
Paddle WA
PWA Marathon Logo

Welcome from Cassie Rowe, Member for Belmont, WA Legislative Administration

Nestled on a picturesque bend in the Swan River where it divides around Ron Courtney Island, Ascot Kayak Club continue to be an active and vibrant part of our community of Belmont, bringing together young and old with a shared love of paddle sports.  

As the Member for Belmont, it is my very great honour to welcome competitors and spectators to the 2025 Australian Canoe Marathon Championships.  I hope you’ll thoroughly enjoy our beautiful Garvey Park, the leafy beachside playground of the Belmont community, at this premier event on the flat-water marathon canoeing calendar.  

Please accept my best wishes to all Championship competitors.  May your dedication, perseverance and excellence be rewarded as you represent yourselves and your communities with distinction.

Cassie Rowe

MLA, Belmont

Welcome from City of Belmont Mayor Robert Rossi

I am pleased to welcome you to the City of Belmont for this year’s Australian Canoe Marathon Championships.

We are proud that our beautiful Garvey Park has been chosen as the setting for such an exciting event.

Events like this bring people together, showcasing not just athletic skill but also the unique opportunities our city provides. 

Whether you are here as a competitor, supporter, or visitor, we encourage you to take the time to enjoy all the City of Belmont has to offer.

Robert Rossi

Mayor, City of Belmont

Logo 2023


Our grateful thanks to all event officials, volunteers and venue host, Ascot Kayak Club.

This year, we are grateful to have received funding support from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Culture (DLGSC), Healthway, the City of Belmont, and Perth Airport. We sincerely thank them for their ongoing commitment to paddling and their invaluable support for this event.

Dsr Logoab5a71b055b76ffab2a0ff0100ce4282
Healthway Logo + Gov Crest Colour (2)
Logo 2023

There will be NO LIVE STREAMING at this event. Please ignore any social media scams offering this.

Ensure you are following our official Facebook site for updates.


Click to expand


Ascot Kayak Club

Ascot Kayak Club
Ascot Kayak Club colour logo

The Ascot Kayak Club would like to welcome paddlers, family, and friends to the 2025 Paddle Australia Canoe Marathon & SUP Championships.

The club started on the banks of the Swan River back in 1973 when a few interested paddlers met and decided it was a good idea to form a club.

From that very first day, the club has enjoyed introducing many people to the sport of paddling and supported club members who have been Australian representatives at the World Championships. Some of those members are still active in the club today and continue to demonstrate the love of this sport. 

The Ascot Kayak Club hopes that everyone enjoys the event and have allowed a few hours, or days, to explore the Swan Valley Perth, and the WA beaches. 

Fauntleroy Ave, Ascot WA 6104.

Ascot Kayak Club

The Ascot Kayak Club would like to welcome paddlers, family, and friends to the 2025 Paddle Australia Canoe Marathon & SUP Championships. The club started on the banks of the Swan River back in 1973 when a few interested paddlers met and decided it was a good idea to form a club. From that very first day, the club has enjoyed introducing many people to the sport of paddling and supported club members who have been Australian representatives at the World Championships. Some of those members are still active in the club today and continue to demonstrate the love of this sport. The Ascot Kayak Club hopes that everyone enjoys the event and have allowed a few hours, or days, to explore the Swan Valley Perth, and the WA beaches. 

Timetable At 13 February 2025
Updated 13 February 2025

Note Swan Valley wine cruise ferry times:

ThursdayNo ferryNo ferry

The Timetable is set such that the Ferry will come through during a warm-up period. The next race will not start until the Ferry is clear of the course.

Race distances and classes

The Long Course consists of multiple long laps (3.5 km each) followed by one short lap (1 km), with portage for ICF craft in designated classes. General, para & V65+ classes do not portage.

Updated 20 January 2025
Updated 20 January 2025


  1. UC=Unrestricted canoe, *** TC = Touring Canoe, seated single blade
  2. Every race includes one 1km Short Lap to be added to the Long Laps
  3. W = Women, M = Men, X = Mixed W/M
  4. ICF classes:
    • C=ICF Canoe, K=ICF Kayak, Para (VL, KL).
    • Anyone can paddle in the ICF class events.
    • Paddlers in ICF craft seeking Australian team selection (including Masters up to age 64) must paddle ICF class.
    • U16 seeking Australian team selection must enter as U18.
  5. General classes are open to ALL BOAT TYPES.  
  6. Same distances for singles and doubles.
  7. No portage for General classes (even if paddling ICF K or C craft).  No portage for Para class. No portage for 65+.
  8. 10-year age groups for Masters, unless sufficient numbers to constitute both 5-year sub-groups (i.e. 3 or more paddlers).
  9. Separate classes for TC and C/UC assuming sufficient numbers for contested classes for both.
  10. Non-Championship Two-Lap: This race is for people who would like to race on the course but not in a Championship event. Entrants in this will paddle two laps and will be awarded WA Medals on Championship lanyards. There will be three classes: Junior [U18], Senior [19 to 49] and Masters [50+]. Participants can enter in a Single or a Double.
  11. U10/U12: Participants can enter in a Single or a Double.
Long Course
25 Cmn Long Course @ 4 Feb 2025
Updated 4 February 2025

The start line is between the Ascot jetty and the witch’s hat on the other side. The start is in the upstream direction. The finish is also in the upstream direction.

Course Compliance Notes [see course map]:

  • Long lap in Green, Short lap in Red.
  • All course options contain ONE SHORT LAP & a number of LONG LAPS [depending on Class] See “Race Distances & Classes” section for details of number of Long Laps and Portages.
  • ONLY pass through the finish line buoys when finishing [30s penalty].
  • Go to the right of all red buoys on the course [15s penalty].
  • Go to the right of the red spit post upstream of the start in both directions [15s penalty].
  • Go to the right of the orange mooring buoy at the top of the island except on final short lap [15s penalty].
  • Go to the left of the yellow buoy in front of the jetty [15s penalty].
  • Upon finishing, paddlers should remain in the holding area in the middle of the river, upstream from the finish line. Once there is no race traffic, paddlers will be marshalled to the landing area (upstream of portage) to disembark and proceed to scrutineering, if required.
Short Course

The Short Course consists of three (3) short laps of approximately 1.1 km each, with a total race distance of 3.4 km. Portage is approximately 120m in length. 


The start/finish line is at the jetty at Ascot Kayak Club. The start is in the downstream direction and is a line between the jetty and the witch’s hat on the opposite bank. The finish is in the upstream direction [between the two red buoys]. Paddlers must only pass through the finish line buoys when finishing their race. Paddlers must keep the coloured buoys along the course to their left. 

All ICF class paddlers must portage twice, at the end of the first and the second laps (with the exception of Para and V65+ classes, where there is no portage). 

Upon finishing, paddlers should remain in the holding area in the middle of the river, upstream from the finish line. Once there is no race traffic, paddlers will be marshalled to the landing area (upstream of portage) to disembark and proceed to scrutineering, if required.

Short Course Classes & Distances

Updated 16 January 2025


  1. W=Woman, M=Man, Para=Para
  2. C=Canoe, K=Kayak, Para=Para
  3. To be eligible for Australian Team selection for Short Course you must race in the OPEN age category.
Registration and Entry Fees


To register online visit:


Early Bird Entries available until midnight 28th February 2025 [Perth time]

Standard Entries available : 1st March-31st March 2025

Late Entries only if necessary : 1st April-4th April 2025

All entries close at midnight [Perth Time] on 4th April 2025.

No registrations after 4th April 2025.

Please minimise changes!

Participants are urged to be very sure about their plans prior to registering and to only register on the basis that no changes will be required. In particular, participants should be certain as to whether they plan to do ICF or General, they should be sure of their doubles partner before entering and they should take care to enter in the correct gender class.

Change Management:

All changes have to be communicated through the State Team Leader and will be processed on Fridays in March and more frequently thereafter.

Entry Fees

AGE GROUPEARLY BIRD FEE Closes 28 February 2025STANDARD FEE Closes 31 March 2025LATE FEE Closes 8pm 4 April 2025
Up to 12 years (1 event)$50$50$50
Up to 12 years (2+ events)$70$70$70
13-18 years (1 event)$70$110$140
13-18 years (2 events)$90$130$160
13-18 years (3+ events)$105$145$175
19-64 years (1 event)$90$130$160
19-64 years (2 events)$115$155$185
19-64 years (3+ events)$130$170$200
65 years and older (1 event)$70$110$140
65 years and older (2 events)$90$130$160
65 years and older (3+ events)$105$145$175

Note: Fees are based on the competitors age as of 31 December 2025.

Refunds and Event Cancellation


Refunds will be given in accordance to Paddle Australia’s Refund Policy (2020)

Event Cancellation

If required, notice of event cancellation will be given to competitors via the email address supplied upon registration and will be made no later than Tuesday 1 April 2025.


Paddle Australia Canoe Marathon Competition Rules (2020) state that:

  • Where there are not sufficient entries or starters to contest a certain event, competitors can be moved into a relevant event.
  • Juniors (18 and under) will not be amalgamated.
  • Masters age groups will not amalgamate any further than ten (10) years and not change distance unless agreed by the competitors.

A contested class is a minimum of three (3) entries and two (2) starters.

Masters will be initially allocated 10-year age groups. These may be split into 5-year age groups if there are at least 3 paddlers in each class.

Rules and Policies

For a full list of policies visit:

Personal Safety Equipment

Life Jackets / PFDs

Participants 14 or older, and can swim 50 metres, are exempt from wearing a life jacket.
Participants under 16 and exempt from life jacket must have written parental or guardian consent.
Competitors who are not strong or confident swimmers are recommended to wear a life jacket.
All competitors must have access to a life jacket in case the Competition Committee direct them to wear life jackets.

It is the responsibility of State associations to test and confirm that paddlers can swim the 50m and to ensure that for paddlers 16 or below that the parents/guardians confirm with the organisers, in writing, that paddlers qualify not to wear a life jacket [if they do].

Note: Inflatable life jackets are not acceptable due to the need for the paddler to be conscious to activate the life jacket and for the need for annual testing to ensure compliance.

Lifejackets come in a variety of types with different characteristics and are also referred to as PFDs (personal flotation devices)
Type 1 – Level 100 Lifejacket
A lifejacket Type 1 provides a high level of buoyancy and keeps the wearer in a safe floating position. They are made in high visibility colours with reflective patches.

Type 1 Level 100 Lifejacket
Type 2 – Level 50 Lifejacket
A lifejacket Type 2 is a buoyancy vest. It provides less buoyancy than a lifejacket Type 1 but sufficient to keep you afloat.
Type 2 Level 50 Lifejacket
Type 3 – Level 50S Lifejacket
A lifejacket Type 3 is a buoyancy garment. It has similar buoyancy to a lifejacket Type 2 but is manufactured in a wide variety of colours and is shaped or equipped for particular activities.
Type 3 Level 50s Lifejacket

SUP Leash

All SUP competitors are required to have access to a leash to attach the athlete to their board. Competitors may be required to use the leash during events, depending on weather and/or river conditions.


We are seeking race officials and volunteers to assist in a variety of roles throughout the championship event.

All volunteers will be provided with a drink and food voucher each day a hat and a long-sleeve tee shirt 😀

Volunteer positions include:

  • Safety boat driver
  • Safety boat crew
  • Check-in & boat numbers [Rego desk in WA parlance]
  • Portage
  • Turn buoy
  • Time keeping
  • Time keeper’s spotter
  • Raft marshal/Boat Control
  • Course umpire
  • Scrutineering
  • Traffic warden
  • Pedestrian management
  • Event setup / set-down

To understand the detail of volunteer roles and to register as a volunteer, visit: Link to be added soon. 

Also, if you entered to race you or your support crew can register to volunteer as part of your race registration.

Location Plan
2025 Cmn Location Layout At 24 Jan 25

Paddlers’ Compound

This will be a fenced compound containing kayak racks, toilets, changing tents and drug testing facilities

Secure Boat Storage

Secure overnight boat storage will be provided from Tuesday 8th to Sunday 13th April.

Vendors Tents

Will be set up in a line between the Paddlers’ Compound and the river

Paddlers’ Tents [State Teams]

Welcome to set tents up in a line between the Vendors’ tents and the river


Will be situated at one end of the Vendors’ Tents


In addition to Swan Café, there will be an additional outside food outlet as shown

Club House

Access to changing rooms and showers is limited to U18s and Ascot Members. Upstairs will be the hub for PA and race officials. The timers will be on the balcony.

Finish Line

Will be in the middle of the river. Paddlers must remain in the middle of the river until they are instructed to move to the side, after which they can cool down in the slalom course and then exit via the pontoon. 

Boat Weighing

Will be to the left on exiting the river.

First Aid and Muster Point

Boat Storage

Secure overnight boat storage will be provided from Tuesday 8th  to Sunday 13th April


There is ample parking onsite at Garvey Park with an overflow carpark in use during the event.

Medical and anti-doping


Midland Public Hospital


Ascot Medical Centre Pharmacy

First Aid

A First Aid station will be available at the venue.

If you wish you may provide information that might assist medical personnel in an emergency. This information will be returned or destroyed after the event.


The event will operate under the Paddle WA Marathon COVIDSafe Plan.

Do not attend if you have symptoms, are unwell or are required to isolate.

Observe face covering, cough etiquette, physical distancing and personal hygiene measures.


Competitors, officials, volunteers and support persons must comply with Australian National Anti-Doping Policy:


All participants Seeking Selection need to complete the following courses on the SIA eLearning site:

  • Anti-Doping Fundamentals
  • Annual Update [relates to Anti-Doping]
  • Safeguarding Children & Young People in Sport Induction

Link to Sport Integrity Australia E-Leaning Site:



The Swan Cafe at Garvey Park has a delicious selection of healthy meals and snacks. Various food and coffee vendors will be onsite during competition days from Thursday 10 April to Monday 14 April.


The following table summaries a number of accommodation options with links.

Prices may change at the discretion of the supplier.

Perth Central Caravan ParkPerth Central Caravan Park  
 Photos Central Caravan Park  
Quality Hotel BayswaterQuality Hotel Bayswater  
IBIS Budget, Perth AirportIBIS Budget Hotel, Perth Airport  
ALOFT HotelALOFT Hotel  
Country ComfortCountry Comfort  
Assured Ascot Quays AptmtsAssured Ascot Quays Apartment Hotel  
2BR Beach House Midst the Suburbs2BR Beach House Midst the Suburbs
Swan Retreat – 2 bedroomSwan Retreat – 2 Bedroom/modern interiors/views
Belmont Comfort: Central & Light-filled StayBelmont Comfort, Central & light-filled stay
The Nordic Nook: A Relaxed Redcliffe StayThe Nordic Nook: A Relaxed Redcliffe Stay
Casa Toucan – 2 bedroom apartment close to airportCasa Toucan – 2 bedroom apartment close to the airport
10 Majestic Maylands 4BR_Walk to River!10 Majestic Maylands 4BR_Walk to River!
Local Surrounds

Paddle WA is delighted to be holding this event. We are hoping to see a healthy number of competitors from interstate.

The event will be held at Ascot Kayak Club, Fauntleroy Avenue, Perth WA 6104. The location is close to Perth Airport and to Great Eastern Highway, which is lined with a number of restaurants, motels, hotels, & serviced apartments. There is a large caravan park very close by.

The kayak club is 13km from the centre of Perth and 30km from Fremantle and various ocean beach options.


Map of Ascot Kayak Club and Surrounds:

See below a map showing location of the kayak club and the airport, key local accommodation options, transport details, shopping, cafes etc.


Canoe and kayak competitors must wear their club or state uniform during their events and at medal presentations.

SUP competitors are strongly encouraged to wear their club or state uniform during their events and at medal presentations.


Three items available:

  • Event Long Sleeve Tee Shirt = $55
  • Light-weight zip-up Fleece = $75
  • Cap = $15

WA paddlers can also purchase uniform:

  • Paddle WA Long Sleeve = $60
  • Paddle WA Singlet = $50

See images below for merchandise and WA uniform:

These items will all be available on the KC Australia online shop. Select this link below:


Note that if stock is exhausted, you may not receive your order ahead of the Championships. The order will still, however, be completed and the order can be collected or shipped when it arrives.



Medals will be awarded as per the Paddle Australia Competition Policy, Section 9-Awards.

Medals will have lanyards labelled to reflect that they are being awarded for Paddle Australia 2025 Canoe Marathon Championships.

Podium paddlers in the Non-Champ Two-lap Race will receive WA Medals with Championship lanyards.


Several trophies will be awarded at the event. These are detailed in full in the Paddle Australia Canoe Marathon Competition Rules.

Frank Whitebrook Trophy

The Frank Whitebrook Trophy, first presented in 1984, is awarded to the state or territory who amass the most points over every race during the event.

Halford Challenge Trophy

The Halford Challenge Trophy, first presented in 1998, is scored across international boat classes in both men and women in the Open, Under 23, Under 18 and Masters 35 classes. Each state or territory Team Leader must nominate two (2) boats in each of these classes to be considered for the award.

Coulthart Trophies

The Coulthart Trophies, first presented in 1991, are awarded to the best performing Under 16 male and female paddlers across both classes.

Child Safeguarding

Paddle Australia has a zero-tolerance policy to child abuse and neglect in any form.

Paddle Australia is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in paddling by providing a safe and inclusive environment and by ensuring that everyone involved in paddling is educated and informed of their responsibilities to protect and look after children.

To view the Paddle Australia Child Safeguarding Policy and other National Integrity Framework policies go to: https://paddle.org.au/sport-integrity/

All volunteers at this event will be required to have current Working with Children certification


The sustainability of the environment is a key issue for all paddlers. That is why Paddle Australia work to advocate with local, state, and federal government to ensure that the quality of the water we paddle on, and the outdoor environment we all enjoy, is maintained, and improved.

Recycling bins will be provided for the event.

There will be a hydration station for paddlers, spectators, and volunteers to use. So, bring along your own water bottles and drink systems.

Organization Plan and Contacts
Chief OfficialJerry Dunn
Deputy Chief OfficialJohn Young
Chief Course UmpiresSue O’Rourke / John Young
Safety OfficersSee below
Chief Finish Line JudgeBob Turner
Chief Portage OfficialTBA
Competition ManagerDoug Hodson
WADerek Cross
QLDKim Ankenbauer

Organising Committee

Contact: marathon@paddlewa.asn.au

Project CoordinatorDoug Hodson
Grants, Media, MarketingLeanne Hampson
ApprovalsDoug Hodson
RegistrationRay Smith
Finance & Registration AssistanceMartin Watson
CourseTerry Bolland
PortageWarren Southwell
Paddlers CompoundPeter Martin
HSEKate Martin
FoodJoe Dowse
Vendors & SponsorshipBrett McDonald
Volunteer CoordinatorsAnita Haarmann
Veronica Haarmann
Sarah Major
SignageSteve Bolger
Support BoatsWarren Southwell
RadiosChris Hollier
PhotographyAdam Crane

Competition Committee

The Competition Committee consists of the Chief Official, Chief Course Umpire and Safety Officer.

Additional Accredited Officials:

The following WA-based individuals are now accredited officials and will be deployed as Safety Officers and Relief Course Umpire and Relief Competition Manager from time to time during the event:

  • Martin Watson
  • Richard Molek
  • Peter Douglas
  • Warren Southwell

if you have any questions, please contact Doug at marathon@paddlewa.asn.au

We look forward to seeing you here in Perth in April 2025!

Home » 2025 Paddle Australia Canoe Marathon & SUP Championships Guidebook