Our grateful thanks to our incredible volunteers who make up our Discipline Committees and Clubs – we could not run these events without you.

If you have any time available, no matter how small, any assistance you can give would be very much appreciated. Ask us how you can become involved.

Paddle WA Calendar

Check out our interactive Calendar of Paddling Events. Here you can easily find Paddling events, registrations and information. View as a list or a calendar month. If you would like your paddling events listed, please contact marketing@paddlewa.asn.au.

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Come and Try Kayaking Course

Champion Lakes Henley Drive, Champion Lakes, Western Australia, Australia

Have some fun and meet new friends! Like us, our Champion Lakes Club wants to see as many families paddling as possible – Kids, Mums, Dads, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents! To help make this happen, they are generously offering this fantastic 4 week course for FREE including everything you need to get out on the […]