Paddle WA Events

We are proud to partner with LiveLighter in offering 3 fantastic Paddling races every year.

You don’t need to be a member to compete. Each race is open to all.

These events bring our paddling community together for a fun and healthy day of paddling and socialising. Two things we love most in the world!

Our grateful thanks to our major event supporters

LiveLighter: The Ramon

Choose your challenge.

The Ramon, offers four courses of different distances so paddlers can choose the challenge that suits them.

Formerly known as the Paddle Challenge, this event has been rebranded to honour one of WA’s paddling greats, Ramon Andersson.

Open to all kayaks, skis, canoes, outriggers, SUPs and dragon boats. This diverse race is a favourite in the community.

Come and challenge yourself at the LiveLighter The Ramon!

Check out our Paddle Calendar for upcoming events.

LiveLighter: Northam to Toodyay

A taste of the Avon.

The Northam to Toodyay takes place along the first 30km of the iconic Avon Descent paddling event.

This stretch of river features a mix of flatwater pools and whitewater rapids.

This thrilling event is not to be missed!

Check out our Paddle Calendar for upcoming events.

LiveLighter: Classic Paddle

Dash for Cash.

The Classic Paddle is a thrilling 13km race across Perth Open waters towards Fremantle with a well sort after Dash for Cash prize.

Thanks to Royal Life Saving WA, we award money to the three fastest male and female solo paddlers to reach the Canning Highway checkpoint first.

Come and enjoy a morning of racing at the Classic Paddle!

Check out our Paddle Calendar for upcoming events.

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