Mike Pond

Mike Pond Cropped

Mike Pond


Michael Pond was the WAIS and Olympic Coach and National Sprint Team representative from 1989 – 1991.

Mike won National K2 and K4 titles with former World Champion Martin Hunter.

Mike was assistant coach under Ramon Andersson from 2006 – 2016, working with the 8 Olympians WA produced over that time as well as numerous other National junior and senior team representatives.

Mike is a highly accomplished entrepreneur with extensive experience in business and sports coaching.


Fast Facts

Western Australian Institute of Sport, Olympic Kayak Coach (2006-2016)

  • Coached and assisted in the preparation of 8 Olympic athletes over 6 Olympic cycles, including the 2012 London Olympic team.
  • Member of the 2012 London Olympic team as a coach.
  • Australian National champion and multiple times member of National team kayak athlete in his twenties
Paddle WA

Congratulations on an amazing achievement Mike!

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